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Getting Settled in a New Home as a Senior


We move for many reasons as we get older. Sometimes, we have mobility issues that make it less safe for us to stay in a multi-level home. Others, we just want to cash in our equity and retire to smaller, more affordable accommodations. Whatever the reason, moving takes work, and it’s a daunting process. But, you don’t have to do it alone, and you will make your next house a home in no time. 

Making Your Move

While you can navigate the ins and outs of relocating alone, more hands are always better. 

Experience Matters

When you’re looking for a new home in Idaho's Treasure Valley, you need to have the help of an experienced real estate agent. Look for someone with experience helping people move during retirement. Ideally, your realtor is intimately familiar with your intended location and can help you choose a house based on your needs.

Got Clutter? A Move Manager Can Help

If you’re moving from a larger home, it can help to hire a senior move manager. The AARP explains that these are individuals/teams that can help with many of the practical aspects of clearing out a larger house. Although typically used in crisis situations, a senior move manager can work with you at any time. Among other duties, your senior move manager can help you sort and sell valuable items, such as antiques or other personal collections.

Your New Space

Once you choose your new house, your next goal is to make it a home.

Safety First

When you think of safety at home as a senior, you likely think about handrails on the stairs and extra lighting throughout. All these are certainly important; however, there are other, less considered, tasks to handle now. One of these is to have the locks changed. Plan to hire an experienced locksmith (preferably one that’s licensed and bonded, offers a warranty, and gets great reviews from prior customers). Google search “local locksmiths near me” to check costs in your area, which will likely average between $50 and $150 per door. You can also use ADT’s crime map to check if your area is above or below average for crime.

Settling In

Before moving day, make a point to hire a moving company that, like your locksmith, should be checked out online. Importantly, you’ll want to also have measurements of your new home as well as your furniture, including length, width, and height, to ensure it fits in your new space. The last thing you want is to arrive on-site to find that your favorite sofa is too large. On your first day, unpack only the essentials. This should include your bedding, medicines, necessary appliances (such as the coffee maker), and grooming essentials. Give yourself a day to rest before putting the details into place.

Get to Know the Neighborhood

During the unpacking process, you can take a walk through your new neighborhood to meet the neighbors. You can also use Google to search for your local senior center and to map out the services you may need, such as the grocery store or hospital. 

There are lots of ins, outs, and moving parts that go along with moving, especially as a senior. But, if you start with an experienced realtor on your side, clear out the clutter, and know exactly what you’re moving into, it can be pleasant for everyone. Congratulations on your move, and enjoy your retirement in your new accommodations.

Moving to Ada County, contact Karen at 208.870.7770.

Colin Eggleston